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It would be my recommendation to either use BRMS or NOT use BRMS. Mixing and Matching means that BRMS doesn't have full tracking of what's saved where r when. That doesn't make much difference for purposes of saving, HOWEVER, the only reason we save things is so that we can restore them if needed. If BRMS doesn't know where they are saved, that's a problem.

- DrF

On 12/29/2021 9:34 AM, a4g atl wrote:
I have difficulty understanding the commands.

I am saving libraries to savf outside of BRMS.

I then want to use SAVSAVFBRM to copy the savf to tape. The command does
not make sense. How does it know what savf's to copy?


This does not make sense to me. How does it know what SAVF's to copy to

The control group contains a list of libraries from the existing backup.

BTW: I am saving to savf first so that I can FTP the savf's to a NAS.

TIA, Darryl Freinkel.

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