× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Hi Rick,

What you are describing is actually the default behavior. HTTPAPI does not send a certificate unless you set up an application identifier in the digital certificate manager, and then configure that app id for a client certificate.

The use of clients-side certificates is unusual.

Please be sure you are not confusing client-side certificates with CA certificates. :-)  If you are thinking that they are required, it is more likely that you are thinking of CA certificates.


On 6/25/2021 2:31 PM, Rick Rauterkus wrote:
Hello all,

We have used Scott's HTTPAPI for years to consume various web services
without any issues. This includes both HTTP and HTTPS connections. But in
setting up a new one recently, we could not complete the connection. After
a lot of troubleshooting, we have finally determined that they did not like
our certificate. So they are asking us to not use a certificate.

Now I was under the impression that the certificate was required for a
HTTPS connection. But they are saying that since their server is providing
a signed certificate to us, that we do not need to present a certificate.

So my question is, is there a way using HTTPAPI to not use a certificate
when connecting? I reviewed the various procedures that HTTPAPI provides,
but did not find anything that I thought could help.

I know it calls the system APIs to do the communication, so maybe there is
something there that could do this? But then I fear that would affect all
our web service calls. I've never had to do anything special with
certificates for the other connections, so maybe we don't need a cert for
them either?

Thank you for any advice you can provide!

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