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It looks as if you are running real ILE programs (i.e. compiled with DftActGrp(*No) in the default activation group (DAG) - and long term that is a bad idea if for no other reason than that IBM did not design things to work that way. The actual option *NO should be a hint that it is _not_ intended to run in the DAG.

Consider a scenario where there are multiple programs that need to set on LR in order to permit the change of library list to work. If those programs are running in the DAG then you only have two options - call each program in turn and have it set on LR, or end the whole job. Had those programs been running in a named AG, as they were designed to, then a simple RCLACTGRP would have effectively set on LR for each and every one of them.

In order to facilitate the use of *Caller, many folks will use a *NEW AG for the root program (i.e the one that initiates the RCL) that way you can use *Caller and get a RCL action without having to issue it. Of course in this scenario one might also choose to have the SPs run *Caller too. In your case the use of a named AG for the SPs is a bit confusing. Usually running them in their own AG is to _prevent_ them from going away when the programs using them go away. Since in your case you actually want them to go away on a library list change this seems a contradictory setup.

Jon Paris

On May 6, 2021, at 8:22 AM, Brian Garland via MIDRANGE-L <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Thank you all for the replies.

The piece that was missing was setting on LR. There are a few programs in
the system that do not do this. Once I changed them everything is working
as expected.

Additional information to aid future searches:
-- All commands in the system are run from the command line so we are not
sitting in one program all the time
-- The commands that are part of the system call either a CLP or a CLLE
running ACTGRP(*NEW)
-- The programs that use the service programs are RPGLE ACTGRP(*CALLER)
-- The service programs in question are all in the same activation group
-- The program that switches the library list is a CLP and runs RCLACTGRP

Brian J. Garland
Vermont Information Processing, Inc.

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