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If you are at all like me, you truly miss getting expert education in an organized fashion, presented by industry experts, in a venue where you can see eye to eye while discussing the i! Questions can be asked, answers given, discussions can ensue. Even more better still than that, other meetings can be declined for a couple days, email can be ignored for a bit, the phone placed on mute. All this means you can really learn, not JUST hear Charlie Brown's teacher in the background as slides flip in the corner of the screen.

The conference is May 24 through 26 in Columbus Ohio. Check out the COMMON NAViGATE 2021 offering and register at: https://www.common.org/columbus2021/home

Over 250 high quality sessions provided with office hours built in to each segment specifically to enable discussion, questions, ASNWERS and more. This is more than just a potpourri of sessions skimmed from conferences past this is an all new conference laid out and planned by the a hard working education team that only COMMON has! Then we're backed up by the best of the best experts in the world. Speakers from IBM, a long list of IBM Champions from around the globe, experts from our partners and our membership. Nowhere else do you get such a skilled selection of excellent education in so many areas under one roof! PLUS we'll have a vendor expo where you can discuss issues with our partners and find out about the solutions they offer to issues you're encountering.

If you're not a buckeye fan you may not realize that Columbus Ohio is smack dab in the center of the country! That means that for at LEAST a dozen states you don't even need to bother with an airplane, just hop in your car or jump on your bike and head for Columbus on your own time schedule! YES We know some of you would prefer not to travel for any number of reasons, and for you the conference is available virtually as well. What's not to like?

I truly hope to see you there!! And PLEASE if you have any questions don't hesitate to email or call me!!

- Larry "DrFranken" Bolhuis
Immediate Past President, COMMON

PS: Yes we know you worked hard to get those vaccine appointments and you'll likely be fully vaccinated by the time you get there, so you're as safe as you can be, and yes, so have we! And like you, we aren't thrilled to have to require masks, but they are proven to work and it's not our call, so we'll take the eye contact, enjoy the camaraderie, and learn a ton.

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