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Thanks Brian

I love the "works on my system but not on yours" puzzels.

The PTF you refer to is for and I am using so that is one
difference to explore.

How can I get a detailed log of what is happening - there has to be an
error of some sort causing the file not to be written ?



From: "Bryan Dietz" <bdietz400@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "Midrange Systems Technical Discussion"
Date: 21/03/2021 01:45 AM
Subject: Re: iACS cldownload plugin
Sent by: "MIDRANGE-L" <midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

no suggestions, but "it worked on my system"

I changed the location of the acsbundle to where the PTFs
put the file (check for superseded ptfs)
5770SS1 V7R2M0 SI73105
5770SS1 V7R3M0 SI73104
5770SS1 V7R4M0 SI73103


I ran the following from QSH

java -Dcom.ibm.iaccess.ActLikeExternal=true -jar
/QIBM/ProdData/Access/ACS/Base/acsbundle.jar /PLUGIN=cldownload
/system=my_system /clientfile=/tmp/PTFCurrency03202021.xlsx
/sql="SELECT * FROM systools.group_ptf_currency"


Don Brown via MIDRANGE-L wrote on 3/20/2021 12:38 AM:
I am trying to get one of Scott Forsties examples to work.

I have split it down into small pieces and the following piece is not

java -Dcom.ibm.iaccess.ActLikeExternal=true -jar /home/acs/acsbundle.jar
/PLUGIN=cldownload /system=MSD820
/sql="SELECT * FROM systools.group_ptf_currency"

The sql statement works if run on its own
The acsbundle.jar exists and has *PUBLIC *RWX authority
The directory /home/MSDDCB exists and has *PUBLIC *RWX authority
I am running this from STRQSH

If I change the system name I get an error that it can't resolve the
system name

If I change the acsbundle.jar name I get an error that it can't find the
jar file

If I change the /clientfile directory to something that does not exist I
do NOT get an error

When I run the statement it takes a few seconds to complete which is
identical to running the sql on it's own - so I presume the sql is

But no file is created.

The acsbundle.jar is from version

The system is V7R3 and was current on PTF's last month.

Any suggestions ?



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