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Hi Darren,

While Birgitta has provided 3 solutions that work I am always keen to look
at other options.

The sub-select does actually refer to the parent table although I have
coded the value of 3913 but this value is also in field npdnpd.
I was making some changes to an enquiry and while developing the sql I was
minimising the data returned for testing and debugging.

I tried your code and it errors on L1(amount)

select npdsdt, npdedt, npdamt, npdsts, npdtno, npdabl, npdnph, npdnpd,
amount, adjust,
npdamt + adjust - amount as avail
from dktnphpf, dktnpdpf
cross join lateral
(values((select sum(ntramt) from dktntrpf where ntrnpd = 3913 and
ntrtty =
'UDD')) L1(amount)
cross join lateral
(values((select sum(ntramt) from dktntrpf where ntrnpd = 3913 and
ntrtty =
'ADJ')) L2(adjust)
where nphcoy = 1 and nphnab = 'ND0001' and nphnph = npdnph;

SQL State: 42601
Vendor Code: -104
Message: [SQL0104] Token L1 was not valid.


From: "Darren Strong" <darren@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "Midrange Systems Technical Discussion"
Date: 02/03/2021 12:12 AM
Subject: RE: SQL - Using result fields in a calculation
Sent by: "MIDRANGE-L" <midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

While a CTE gets it done, a lateral table is more elegant and
straightforward for this purpose. I don't have the tables, so, I could not
validate the syntax. Hopefully my parenthesis line up, but, it gives you
an idea.

select npdsdt, npdedt, npdamt, npdsts, npdtno, npdabl, npdnph, npdnpd,
amount, adjust,
npdamt + adjust - amount as avail
from dktnphpf, dktnpdpf
cross join lateral
(values((select sum(ntramt) from dktntrpf where ntrnpd = 3913 and
ntrtty =
'UDD')) L1(amount)
cross join lateral
(values((select sum(ntramt) from dktntrpf where ntrnpd = 3913 and
ntrtty =
'ADJ')) L2(adjust)
where nphcoy = 1 and nphnab = 'ND0001' and nphnph = npdnph;

-----Original Message-----
From: MIDRANGE-L <midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Don
Brown via MIDRANGE-L
Sent: Saturday, February 27, 2021 9:33 PM
To: midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Don Brown <DBrown@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: SQL - Using result fields in a calculation

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I have the following SQL

select npdsdt, npdedt, npdamt, npdsts, npdtno, npdabl, npdnph, npdnpd,
(select sum(ntramt) from dktntrpf where ntrnpd = 3913 and ntrtty =
'UDD') as amount,
(select sum(ntramt) from dktntrpf where ntrnpd = 3913 and ntrtty =
'ADJ') as adjust,
npdamt + adjust - amount as avail
from dktnphpf, dktnpdpf
where nphcoy = 1 and nphnab = 'ND0001' and nphnph = npdnph;

I am running it in iACS

It fails indicating the variable "adjust" is not found.

I am obviously not using the correct terms when searching google as I
can't find an example of how to use the results or a sub select.

Any assistance would be appreciated.



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