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Thanks, everyone.

I was afraid I'd have to do something like this, and particularly appreciate the steps Evan recommends.
Also, I had imagined just having a single 'drive' when all is said and done but will now take your advice to keep at least four drives, but MUCH smaller.
Considering the minimal use I have for the partition, what's the smallest disk size I can get away with? I think the load source one has to be 70 GB, but what about the sizes for the other three I plan to make?
I may have more questions as I get underway.

Thanks again.

Best Regards,

Thomas Garvey

On 7/7/2020 7:17 AM, Rob Berendt wrote:
I think Evan is quite thorough here. I repeat his advice not to end up with everything on one single "disk". It might be something you have to do in transition but don't end up that way. And it's recommended that your "disks" be the same size.

Rob Berendt

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