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One thing, Peter, is that AFP resources are usually positioned by the upper-left corner - not rows and columns. It's a beast called "all points addressable".

The other thing is that when the front margin is (0,0), it's very likely that the printer will shift things, because it has to move stuff that would be in its unprintable area.

That's just a couple things that might give you trouble, others can confirm and also give you more.


On 6/2/2020 12:09 PM, Peter Dow wrote:
This is my first foray into DDS for AFP. I'm modifying a check printing program to use AFP and so far I've gotten all the O-specs converted to DDS, and the program runs fine, writes the formats in the expected order, followed by a format with the ENDPAGE keyword.

The problem is the results don't seem to have much relation to where I told it to put things.  The top line should have a vendor id and check#, but instead it has the first line of the check stub detail. And horizontal positioning is way off.

I'm thinking something is wrong with the printer file definition, or the printer device it's being printed on.  The front margin is (0 0), the UOM is *INCH, no page or form definition.  The printer is some Xerox printer defined as *HP6 with Host Print Transform *YES.

I'm probably missing something glaringly obvious, but I don't know enough about AFP, PSF, etc. to see it.

*Peter Dow* /
Dow Software Services, Inc.
909 793-9050
petercdow@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:petercdow@xxxxxxxxx>
pdow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:pdow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> /

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