× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Hi Don,

There is an API that you can call immediately after producing the spool
file, in the job that produces the spool file, that returns info on the
latest spool file for the job. QSPRILSP.

This situation occurs when the current user for a job is changed from the
job user, as has occurred in your case.


Kevin Wright

-----Original Message-----
From: MIDRANGE-L <midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Don
Brown via MIDRANGE-L
Sent: Tuesday, 22 October 2019 9:32 AM
To: midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Don Brown <DBrown@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Spool file has different job name to job creating it

I have an open PMR for this issue.

Sometimes the response you get from IBM leaves me somewhat bewildered ...

Anyway I am hoping someone on the list can suggest a solution to my issue.

The scenario is this;

From a web page the user can click a button to open a PDF. This button
calls a service program that then calls the print program, the spool file
is then copied to the IFS as a PDF and the path and file name is passed
back to the PHP script.

The PHP call to the service program is using XMLSERVICE and is using user
PHPTSTUSER to authenticate.

So here is the problem;

The XMLSERVICE job is running in QSYSWRK with Current User (from
wrkactjob) as PHPTSTUSER.

If I use 5=Work with from the active jobs list, the user shown for the job


The qualified job name is XMLSERVICE/QUSER/367930

The program creates the spool file and the qualified name of the spool
file is QPRTJOB/PHPTSTUSER/347530. Different job name and different job

So the process that tries to copy the spool file fails because as yet I
can find no way to retrieve the actual spool file name.

Running in debug the program that opens/creates the spool file has the job

name of XMLSERVICE/QUSER/367930.

Other Information

On this machine the XMLSERVICE jobs are running in QSYSWRK and as BCI jobs

On a different machine the jobs have a name of XTOOLKIT with a function of

XMLSERVICE and as BCH jobs

I set both of these systems up and after much searching still can not find

why/how to change the jobs from BCI to BCH. This must be specified in
PHP/XMLSERVICE set up somewhere but I can't find any documentation or any
likely line in the ini files.

I believe this to be the issue as on the other system(s) the PDF has the
same job name as the job that created it and the copy to the IFS succeeds.

IBM's Response

Their first response was to retrieve the job name using the QUSRSPLA API -

I did not expect this to make any difference but I tried it and no, it
made no difference - I do not have the correct qualified job name
available so using the qualified job name the job is running under does
not retrieve any spool file.

Then after I provided more details and a step by step debug process the
response was; So actually, there is no problem with the application it
self, it works fine and as expected, BUT only fail to retrieve the correct

job name when running in DEBUG mode, correct?.

I appreciate the support IBM provides but really ? Am I wrong or being
overly critical of the support ?


Don Brown

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