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I have a pretty sure feeling that IBM will not publish their design documents - they don't even show us in CAAC that level of detail.

They also are probably legally restrained from doing so - anything published along those lines, well, IBM will always hedge its bets, making no promises


On 10/8/2019 5:43 PM, dlclark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
"MIDRANGE-L" <midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote on 10/08/2019
06:14:59 PM:
You can freely comment on the RFE - you might want to subscribe to the
things you want to see as they are added.

Comments are an important part of the RFE process now - IBM listen to
them carefully, we in CAAC and CEAC put them in as we vet the RFEs and
add our weight to the input, yea or nay.

I see several where people add suggestion, and I'm sure they have helped
in the way you are looking for.

Yes, I have seen that and I have used it. However, the RFE
comments only go so far as the RFE does not reflect what the ultimate
design will look like as IBM finally decides to deliver it. It is *that*
design that I would like to be able to comment on. I have seen delivered
enhancement designs that fall short. I am not speculating on whether that
is the "fault" of insufficient information/discussion at the RFE level or
an insufficient examination of the design on IBM's part after the fact.
But if customers were allowed to see what the projected design
implementation was going to be *before* it was actually put into code then
perhaps a more complete design could be delivered from the git-go.


Dave Clark

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