× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
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First things first. The *very* first thing is: I would like to clarify
that you are not copying and pasting (or typing, for that matter) into
the e-mail in a way that preserves the fidelity of the content.
Specifically, straight quotes are becoming curved/angled/"smart".
These are invalid characters in any command environment I'm aware of.
(At best, it *might* be possible to escape them as literals, but they
do not have any kind of syntactical meaning as part of the command.)

So, I can safely assume that all the quotes you've typed/pasted in the
e-mail are actually straight when you type/paste them into an actual
command line or script.

Now, the *next* "first" thing is: What you've shown us has a space
between `PGM` and the qualified name of the program, which was
`(MSBTRWRST/WASSTR)`. Because of the space, the CL parser considers
those two pieces (`PGM` is the first piece and `(MSBTRWRST/WASSTR)` is
the second piece) as their own *positional* parameters, NOT as a
single *keyword* parameter, which is what you probably intended. In
other words, the inner CL command you have specified is equivalent to:


The above is of course invalid.

Now, I can't say how the parser treats the above inner command when it
is fed into a SBMJOB command, which is why I am not bothering to tell
you how or why the error message you're getting at all corresponds to
the syntax error I'm seeing. Further, your quote issue hints that
maybe what you're typing into a real command line isn't matching what
you're showing us in the mailing list, and in that case, again we
would have no way to reproduce your actual error message.

But the spirit of what Jack was trying to tell you is: Get the
innermost parts working in their "native" environment. Then transplant
that *working code* into the next level. You have at least three
levels in your example. And please be careful when sharing code. If
your e-mail client likes to be "helpful" with formatting, find a way
to turn it off. Every e-mail environment I know of has a way to force
plain text mode.

John Y.

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