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Early this morning, during an IPL, I had a 57B5 (5913) pair fail during an IPL.
Because our monitoring software is not running during the IPL, I initially did not see the alert.
Two additional IPLs - LPAR continued to run, but performance was EXTREMELY poor
The initial "call home" PAL entry did not re-appear, only an increased count in the SAL entry, which I didn't see till later on.

SAL entry
Status Date Time SRC Resource Count PLID
NEW 01/21/19 01:10:38 57B59076 DC05 3

It was later discovered, with IBM hardware support, via SST - 6. Display disk hardware status
That the pair was "Performance degraded", which implied the disk controllers were running with ZERO cache.

Performance degraded-
This state indicates the device is functional but performance may be impacted due to other hardware problems (such as a IOA cache problem).

We identified the "suspect" card, which was NOT operational.
Powered off the slot, powered slot back on.
LPAR disk performance problem re-solved.

I had similar failures on a different LPAR, different card pair over the years.
Those failures were not during an IPL, but while LPAR was running.
The difference in those two previous failures was the card/slot was automatically reset by the code.

This error was an L2 cache error and the cards needed to do a reset for data integrity reasons.
The controllers went into a recovery, lasted 23 seconds, LPAR was "suspended" during this period.
During the recovery, several applications failed, which then need a manual reset/recycle.

1) How does one better monitor for these types of card/pair failures?
2) Why did 2nd and 3rd IPL not reset the card?
3) Why did 2nd and 3rd IPL not "call home" and create a new PAL entry.
4) Anyone else from the group experience similar card/pair failures?

Thank You
Paul Steinmetz
IBM i Systems Administrator

Pencor Services, Inc.
462 Delaware Ave
Palmerton Pa 18071

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