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I know Paul, it is rather hard to wrap your head around.

What I get frustrated with are all the people who want IBM to continue to
make smaller drives so that it's easier to justify multiple disks. They
can't seem to get themselves to justify more than three drives solely on
performance. Yes running at only 15% full may be a mind bender for those
migrating from 15 year old equipment.
Basically it's this. Bigger disk drives are being made. The market for
smaller sizes rapidly shrinks. Disk manufactures would rather retool
existing facilities to make the bigger drives than to create an expansive,
and expensive, "clean room" environment to make the new drives. So
manufacture of smaller drives comes to a screeching halt.

And having more space than their previous system had in it's entireity
tied up in "hot spare" alone just fries their mind.

Rob Berendt

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