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"MIDRANGE-L" <midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote on 04/05/2018
06:59:15 AM:
Iam creating a csv file in the IFS.

Customer has told us that for certain cells, if blank must have =("")

This value has been entered but Excel treats it as a string and not a

Excel will recognise this formula when creating a file on the PC using

Is this related to the codepage I am specifying?

I don't think it is related to code page -- as long as the text
content of the CSV is viewable on the Windows side. Otherwise, I think I
can say that if the cell gets stored in a comma-delimited CSV as follows:


Then Excel will treat it as the text value for the cell. On the
other hand, if the cell content gets stored in a comma-delimited CSV as


Then Excel will treat it as a formula for the cell. If a
tab-delimited CSV is created then you might get better results because
outer quotes aren't used for string values when tabs are used for the


Dave Clark

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