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I have hosting lpars.
I have guested lpars.
None of them have that option 29.
I take it then you do not have ISCSI or related products.
Then get rid of it. It's actually causing you harm. At least trying to
install it causes you grief. :-)

Here's a couple of more links trashing it

Try adding your questions to the comment at the bottom of the last link.
It was published by Tim Rowe. Occasionally he replies to this list.
Normally only when an opinion with authority is needed.
I could only guess as to why it would be on the media. Perhaps they say
it's not supported but if you just want to try running it, go ahead.
And while IBM skip ships individual products (5770-SS1 may say 7.3 but
5770-aaa may still say 7.2) I don't think they skip ship individual
options of 5770-SS1.
I believe all the IXS/IXA type cards aren't supported by any machine
capable of running 7.3 (and probably not even 7.2).

In summary. You don't need it - get rid of it.

IBM has already announced that rNext will have a bunch of old
configuration stuff left over removed (like CRTLINTRN). Perhaps they'll
use that time to clean that off also.

Rob Berendt

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