× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

I'm having a little problem converting binary to integer but you could
start with this:

Putting it below but if the mail processing hacks the double dashes try
this instead

ORDINAL_POSITION, -- A unique number for each row that indicates the
time order of messages in the job log.
MESSAGE_ID, -- The message ID for this message.
MESSAGE_TYPE, -- Type of message.
MESSAGE_SUBTYPE, -- Subtype of message.
SEVERITY, -- The severity assigned to the message.
MESSAGE_TIMESTAMP, -- The timestamp when the message was sent.
FROM_USER, -- The current user of the job when the message was
FROM_JOB, -- The qualified job name when the message was sent.
FROM_PROGRAM, -- The program that sent the message.
MESSAGE_LIBRARY, -- The name of the library containing the message
MESSAGE_FILE, -- The message file containing the message.
MESSAGE_TOKENS, -- The message token string. If the value is longer
than 4096 characters, it will be truncated with no warning.
substr(message_tokens, 49, 2) as Ending_Code_c,
binary(substr(message_tokens, 49, 2)) as Ending_Code_binary,
cast(binary(substr(message_tokens, 49, 2)) as integer) as Ending_Code,
MESSAGE_TEXT, -- The first level text of the message including
tokens, or the impromptu message text.
MESSAGE_SECOND_LEVEL_TEXT -- The second level text of the message
including tokens.
-- SYSLOG_EVENT, -- The Common Event Format (CEF) syslog event for
the message preceded by a header of the requested type.
-- SYSLOG_FACILITY, -- The syslog facility assigned to the event.
-- SYSLOG_SEVERITY -- The syslog severity assigned to the event.
-- SYSLOG_PRIORITY -- The syslog priority number assigned to the
)) AS X
Where message_id='CPF1164'
and date(message_timestamp)='2017-11-12'
and hour(message_timestamp)=23
and minute(message_timestamp)=49

Rob Berendt

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