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Has anyone seen a case like the following?

I have a physical file.  If I look in iSeries Navigator (yes, old version) it says that the file has two triggers.  I look in SYSTRIGGER, and it also indicates that the file has two triggers. Both are for the same program for different events.

However, if I try to remove the trigger, I get CPF32C6 in response to CPD32E7.  The second level message text for CPD32E7 says the remove trigger operation failed for reason 14: the file has no triggers.  I do DSPFD and lo and behold, DSPFD says I have no triggers.

I add a trigger, SYSTRIGGER say three triggers, DSPFD says one trigger.  I RMVPFTRG TRG(*ALL) and it completes, but only removes the newly added trigger; the original two remain.  I try another RMVPFTRG and get the original error.

It seems like there is a lost connection somewhere.   However, RCLDBXREF OPTION(*CHECK) reports successfully verified.

I'm probably going to wait until next IPL, check again and then go to IBM, but just wondering if anybody noticed something I missed.

P. S. The program name on this has a "." in it, as in MYFILE.TRG in the same library as MYFILE.  But I have others with that same nomenclature and I was able to remove them successfully.

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