× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
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On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 9:04 AM, David Gibbs <david@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Jim, this question is only tangentially related, but why not copy the
ZIP file to the IFS and use jar to extract them? Just curious.

IMO, it's somewhat easier to use a GUI zip tool (7-ZIP, Windows exploder,
etc) to extract the ZIP contents, and then transfer the unzipped files.

Well, there is 7-Zip for PASE, which Scott has thoughtfully packaged
up all nice for us:


Granted, you do still have to type in order to use it. But it's better
than jar or ajar. (And you could presumably wrap it up into an even
friendlier CL command.)

That said, it does require almost double the storage on your PC ... because
LPP ISO's probably don't compress well. I never really understood why IBM
zipped up the disk images for download.

Very sly. I didn't catch this until Rob quoted it. *Almost* double the
storage... meaning compression ratio close to 1:1. And if you mean
"the ZIP file plus the uncompressed image is almost twice the size of
just the ZIP file" then the ZIP file is actually a little *bigger*
than the uncompressed image. Nice!

(Since I don't deal with any of this stuff, I have no idea if this is
hyperbole, or serious, or what. It's definitely true that some types
of content can expand slightly when "compressed".)

John Y.

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