× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Two things.

One, there is a PTF which may, or may not, be applicable.

Two, I use the FTP method. When I use that I get two .txt files. One of
which gives a byte count.
Your name will differ

************Beginning of data**************
This file contains exact byte counts of files to ensure the "FTP GET"
received all of the contents of the file followed by instructions
indicating how to retrieve and prepare the files for installation.


The ilstCUME.txt byte count is approximately: 471040.*
The CUME_1.bin byte count is: 4241489920.
The CUME_2.bin byte count is: 1415577600.
The CUME_3.bin byte count is: 3852378112.
The CUME_4.bin byte count is: 3832762368.
The CUME_5.bin byte count is: 3834599424.
The CUME_6.bin byte count is: 1715245056.

Match these byte counts to that reported during the FTP get.

I would match these byte counts up.
Object . . . . . . : /fixes/cume/CUME_1.bin
Size of object data in bytes . . . . . : 4241489920
Allocated size of object . . . . . . . : 4244635648

While the txt file warns these may be approximate, I've found they always
match "Size of object data in bytes". If not, reorder.

Three most google hits either fall under the first (get this ptf) or "just
reorder". I know, it took you 6 hours. Hopefully you didn't wait until
timing was critical.

Rob Berendt

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