I find I still use STRSQL because I never remember the field names and I
can't prompt in ACS.
I understand that reason.
However, and I really don't want to sound sarcastic or condescending. I
really don't. So please don't take this that way.
But you're running "Run SQL Script" normally on an OS called "Windows".
The reason it is called that is that you can have multiple windows. Not
only do I have multiple windows but I have multiple screens attached to my
docking station for my laptop.
There's nothing stopping you from having another window open with a second
Run SQL script session on it. In that you can customize your own "insert
from examples". and store this example:
select system_column_name, data_type,length, numeric_scale,
column_text, system_table_name, system_table_schema, column_name,
table_name, syscolumns.*
from qsys2.syscolumns syscolumns
where system_table_name='IIM'
and system_table_schema='ERPLXF';
Now, that second window can display the column names and LOTS of
attributes unavailable by the prompter in STRSQL. For example look at
select system_column_name, data_type,length, numeric_scale,
column_text, system_table_name, system_table_schema, column_name,
table_name, syscolumns.*
from qsys2.syscolumns syscolumns
where system_table_name='SYSCOLUMNS'
and system_table_schema='QSYS2';
Rob Berendt
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