× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

it's how you define a "write".
If I perform a transaction with my bank via their website and that updates
my balance, is that perceived as me doing an unauthorized write on their

If I am getting a screen on someone's system, (like my banks), which
allows me to download a subset of rows (like my current month's
transactions), is that an unauthorized access to their system and in
violation of SOX?

Ok, so maybe your company will not allow you unfettered access to do a
SELECT * from banktransactions where accout=mine but apparently your
source thinks it's perfectly ok to use cpyf of a ddm file pointing to
their system of the same data. Um, ok, and that is more secure, why?

But basically, if you can get them to prepare stored procedures and you
can call those this may do a few things:
- Give them control over the security.
- Do the sorting and selection on the host instead of sending the unneeded
rows back to the target for the CPYF to do it's selection.
Faster, less bandwidth consumed and less data transferred "in the clear"
over the wire. After all, do you see an SSL option on CRTDDMF? Wouldn't
that be a SOX violation?

Rob Berendt

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