× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

On 21-Jun-2017 09:46 -0600, mlazarus wrote:
I tried various suggestions, then took Diego's advice to look at
CHGTCPDMN. There was a DNS address specified that is either invalid or
blocked by the firewall. After removing that address "hostname" comes
back immediately as does the string with the "ls" command embedded: QSH
CMD('cd /usr/Mark/Downloads/;for file in *.h37;do ls "$file";done'). I
haven't tested the command with the "mv", but I assume that it will
follow suit.

Thanks to all that responded, for the suggestions.

For good measure, I put the invalid address back in, just to make sure
that it wasn't a fluke. Sure enough, the old long lag times returned!
Even removing the address while the command was running caused the list
to start flying by. Any ideas why this would occur?

Diego already responded with a link to a KB article/TechNote document [the one included also, below]; as additional reference, a past issue documenting similar, and finding the same resolution, a part of that discussion, but not the symptoms, are included quoted below the following link to a topic in that old thread:
(https://archive.midrange.com/midrange-l/201512/msg00144.html)[GREP doesn't work]

Mark W found the issue documented, with recovery actions [i.e.
resolution], by having searched the web [without using /symptom/
keywords; argh, I was fixated on finding a defect, not a TechNote
document]. Basically the issue is caused by a slow resolution of
the host IP due to some problem with how the Domain Name Server
(DNS) is operating; i.e. modify TCP/IP domain information within
the Configure TCP/IP (CFGTCP) feature [option 10=Work with TCP/IP
host table entries and\or option 12=Change TCP/IP domain
information] to ensure a fast name\IP resolution transpires.

The following web search located the doc at the following URL:

Reference #: N1016223 Historical Number: 329865667
Title: Qshell Session Takes a Long for the Prompt or Time to Start
and Run Commands
"... The Qshell terminal session is displayed, however,
the shell is not ready to accept commands. If the WRKACTJOB is used
to display the QZSHSH job, the call stack shows the gethostbyname()
API near the bottom of the stack.

This problem is caused by a Domain Name System (DNS) configuration
error on the system. When the shell starts, it uses the
gethostbyname() API to get the IP address of the local host. It
then sets the HOSTID variable to the IP address. The
gethostbyname() API uses the DNS to lookup the IP address. If the
DNS is not configured correctly, gethostbyname() can block waiting
for a response for a DNS server. ..."

[...] 10=Program Stack from the against the QZSHSH job from
WRKACTJOB while that job was in TIMA status. [...]

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