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I am surprised no one else has pointed out this 7.2 enhancement.

In 7.2, we introduced a castable process to function resolution. One of
its benefits is that it will find a function defined with a CHAR parameter
when the argument is passed as a VARCHAR (like a string literal). You can
read about it here:

IBM i SQL Development

On Mon, May 8, 2017 at 4:57 PM, Rob Berendt <rob@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
2: a character constant is really a varchar.

Perhaps in other implementations of databases it's a rare duck who makes
bulk (if not all) of their character fields other than variable length.
While, on IBM i, we tend to do so because, well, that's what we did on
punched cards. Most of these other databases have no such legacy.

Actually, it is perfectly common for other databases to have a
fixed-length character type which is distinct from their
variable-length character type.

But as Buck hints at, there is no technical reason why these types
couldn't be made compatible implicitly. It's just a matter of whether
the designers of the system (1) think it's a good idea, and (2) feel
like implementing it.

So the answer to Alan's question of why we need the cast is really:
Because the designers of the system either didn't think it was a good
idea to do it automatically, or they didn't feel like implementing it.

John Y.

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