× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

On 4/21/2017 9:58 AM, Mohammad Tanveer wrote:
interesting.. can you explain me how you installed GIT on IBM i and

I did it years ago by building it in PASE from source, but you don't
have to go through that work. Install 5733-OPS and Option 6 will
install Git.

how you
scheduled to backup source on regular basis?

The entire system is backed up every night. Including the IFS.

Yes I have created a simple CHECKOUT/CHECKIN command . But now I have to
add a lot of logic in it to make it work like a real change control.
(Archiving source, reporting conflicts, remove source from development
before moving into QA and so on )

My apologies. I was responding to 'I want something as simple as
checkin / checkout..'

You last statement is the key problem for us :) "That everyone else knew
I had it 'checked out'. Some developers don't bother looking in details
and override changes.

Did you try it?

WRKMBRPDM, change the source type from RPGLE to MT.
Now take option 2 to edit it.
How does that look?

Developers don't need to look at any details - the syntax checker is
disabled and option 14 doesn't work at all. If you're that concerned
that developers will step on code, in addition to changing the source
type, move the member to another library altogether so they can't find
the source where they expect it to be.

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