Varies by shop, significantly.
Some shops that also includes security handling.
Some have BRMS, some do not.
Some use a Virtual Tape Library appliance, some use physical tapes.
Some send tapes to Iron Mountain, some do not.
Some use Mimix or like products, some use Power HA, some use nothing.
Some do their own PTF's and upgrades, some contract that stuff out, some
never perform maintenance.
If you really want to look impressive for this position then look at the
prereq's for these certifications. Decide if you have the experience. And
go for the certification.
Now, you may not have 100%, like my knowledge of SAN is an ability to
decrypt the acronym. That and some familiarity with SAN tape.
And the last certification I received was for IBM Certified System
Administrator - IBM i 6.1.
If I was hiring for such a position and someone came in bearing these
certifications there would be NO technical questions. Then it would just
be personality and the whizz quiz.
Ok maybe these technical questions:
What areas of the certification testing do you think were your weakest and
might require additional training?
Based on the description of the job what additional training do you feel
you might require?
Rob Berendt
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