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Well, a MMB is a Power 7, while a 41A is a Power 8.
And, depending on how many CPU's is in one or the other depends on who has
the higher CPW.
Don't just stop on the first hit for 41A. Keep going...

And one of my 41A's has 22.5TB in the system ASP, making your MMB a real
slouch. And, it's all SSD. And it's running 7.3 with current PTF's.

And a significant portion of it is in "IFS" aka "User directories"
% of Size in
Description Disk 1,000,000 bytes
User libraries .34 75817.39
User directories 76.10 17122610.23
Folders and documents .00 .11
QSYS .01 2272.00
Other IBM libraries .04 9535.57
Licensed Internal Code .03 7373.96
Temporary space .08 17088.71
Unused space 23.39 5263713.09
System internal objects .00 345.75
Objects not in a library .00 .00
TOTAL 99.99 22498756.81

Roughly 5.3TB of free space.

Back when we had a Power 6 MMA it had a lot of old baggage hardware
carried over from Power 5 days that ate up a bunch of rack space. Almost
all of it had to go when we upgraded the OS so we started out completely
fresh. Basically keeping only the external tape library (which was later
upgraded and is now gone).

Oh, and we replaced the MMA with a bigger box than this 41A. It was
replaced with a 42A. Slightly more disk also.

Rob Berendt

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