On 29-Sep-2016 13:04 -0500, James H. H. Lampert wrote:
We have the following SQL query, that works very well:
select year
, month
, sum(sales) as sales
from foo
where (year * 100 + month) >
( (year(current_date) -1) * 100 + month(current_date) )
group by year, month
order by year, month
The following query I expect [untested] is the /same/ for effect, but
generates a true-temporary calendar-table to which the existing data can
be joined, and then selection performed without use of derived
expressions for the column data; each of the result columns of the CTE
could be cast to the type\size of the respective column compared in the
equal-predicates of the join [presuming that might allow for even better
performance; for lack of any DDL given, I could not include that casting
in my example, and for lack of any sample data, I did not spend any time
testing anything but the results from the derived table(s)]:
py1 ( dt, yr , mo ) as
( values( date (current_date - 1 years + 1 month)
, year (current_date - 1 years + 1 month)
, month(current_date - 1 years + 1 month)
union all
select date ( dt + 1 month )
, year ( dt + 1 month )
, month( dt + 1 month )
from py1
where dt < current_date
select year
, month
, sum(sales) as sales
from foo
join py1
on year = yr
and month = mo
group by year, month
order by year, month
Of course the derived table expression [i.e. the Common Table
Expression (CTE) used] as table-reference PY1 for the prior twelve MONTH
values up to the present, could have that same data derived instead,
from a persistent\permanent calendar-table.
But now, we want to add a fourth column, for the previous year's
Consider also, the possibility of a union of the data; i.e, the same
columns, but combining the result sets from each year as rows, instead
of combined as another column of the aggregated values.
Now, I can get this by itself (I think) with something like
select year+1 as year
, month
, sum(sales) as py_sales
from foo
where (year * 100 + month) >
( (year(current_date) -2) * 100 + month(current_date) )
and (year * 100 + month) <=
( (year(current_date) -1) * 100 + month(current_date) )
group by year, month
order by year, month
But how would I combine these to get both the "sales" and "py_sales"
columns? Some kind of a join, maybe? But what would the syntax be?
Neither of the following was tested, but the first is much the same
as what was offered by Charles, from the prior month's archive
http://archive.midrange.com/midrange-l/201609/msg00855.html], but with
the aforementioned CTE as calendar-table results, to allow for a JOIN
and the simplified selection predicates:
py1 ( dt, yr , mo ) as
( values( date (current_date - 1 years + 1 month)
, year (current_date - 1 years + 1 month)
, month(current_date - 1 years + 1 month)
union all
select date ( dt + 1 month )
, year ( dt + 1 month )
, month( dt + 1 month )
from py1
where dt < current_date
, py2 ( dt, yr, mo ) as
( select date ( dt - 1 year )
, year ( dt - 1 year )
, month( dt - 1 year )
from py1
select ty.month
, /* ty.year, */ ty.sales as "sales past 12 mos"
, /* py.year, */ py.sales as "sales prior 12 mos"
from table
( select year
, month
, sum(sales) as sales
from foo
join py1
on year = yr
and month = mo
group by year, month
) as ty /* This past Year */
join table
( select year
, month
, sum(sales) as sales
from foo
join py2
on year = yr
and month = mo
group by year, month
) as py /* Prior Year to this past year */
order by 1
Or as UNION of the data:
py1 ( dt, yr , mo ) as
( values( date (current_date - 1 years + 1 month)
, year (current_date - 1 years + 1 month)
, month(current_date - 1 years + 1 month)
union all
select date ( dt + 1 month )
, year ( dt + 1 month )
, month( dt + 1 month )
from py1
where dt < current_date
, py2 ( dt, yr, mo ) as
( select date ( dt - 1 year )
, year ( dt - 1 year )
, month( dt - 1 year )
from py1
( select year
, month
, sum(sales) as sales
from foo
join py1
on year = yr
and month = mo
group by year, month
( select year
, month
, sum(sales) as sales
from foo
join py2
on year = yr
and month = mo
group by year, month
order by 1, 2
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