× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.


I have tried to run ?CHGJOB CCSID(37) ? recompile program and now I
receive this error:

Error CPF503E Error of function defined by the consumer on the member

Message. . . : Error of function defined by the consumer on the member


Cause. . . : An error is occurred during the call of the function
HTTPGETCLOB defined by the consumer in the bookstore SYSTOOLS. The error
he is
verified during the call of the in partnership external program or the

program of service B2RESTUDF: in the bookstore SYSTOOLS.D, stings of
program or external name com.ibm.db2.rest.DB2UDFWrapper.httpGetClob, name

specific HTTPGETCLOBNONXML. The error is occurred on the member QSQPTABL

file QSQPTABL in the bookstore QSYS2. The code of error is 1. they Follow
codes of error and the relative meanings:

1--the external program or the program of service have returned
SQLSTATE 38000. The message of returned text is:

ception: Array index out of range: 64.

2--the external program has had negative result before the completion.

3--the is occurred I overcome time of the database that attended her/it

restitution of the program. The value of I overcome time used by the

database was 0 minutes and 30 seconds.

4--the external program doesn't exist anymore or you/he/she has not
been found.
5--one of the parameters of immission of the function brought an error
definition dates.

from 6 to 26--to Consult the preceding message in the recording


For an external program, the point of entrance of the visualized
it will be * N.

Correction. . . : For the codes of error 1 and 2, to determine the cause

of the error from SQLSTATE or from a message previously listed.

For the code of error 3, to increase the limit of I overcome time using

the formulation of the file QAQQINI or to determine the reason for which
it programs external or the program of service has not been returned in
assigned time.

For the code of error 4, to make sure him that the program or the
program of
service exists for the duration of the query.

For the code of error 5, to determine the cause of the error of
Additional information on the message Pag. 2
For the codes of error from 6 to 26, to consult the preceding message in
recording works.

To consult the matter DB2 for i5/OS SQL programming in the category

Database in the documentation IBM the Information Center, to the address

http://www.ibm.com/systems/i/infocenter / to have further information
on the functions defined by the consumer.

To answer to the messages, the possible choices are. . . . . . . . . :

C--You application is annulled.

The--You application is ignored.

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