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I am trying to set up ARDGATE that Dieter Bender created. I believe I have
the basics set up but I do not see how to point it to the MS SQL server.

We have a SQL server running with multiple databases on the SQL instance.

How would I point it to
- the server
- the SQL instance
- database name

I think the properties in the file global.properties point to the server
and SQL instance only. I tried connecting to the MS SQL server using the
CONNECT statement in STRSQL and it times out.

Any ideas or help?

... this question was asked before via private mail and answered by me via eMail.
- you are using a Java version prior to Java 5 (AKA Java 1.5) and ArdGate has a documented prerequisite of Java 5 or better.
- adressing a MS SQL instance and setting the default database is done with the url and is documented in the docs of the JDBC Driver you have choosen for your MS SQL Server (this depends on your MS SQL Version and your favorite - there are two, one from MS and the JTDS Driver - and might depend on the java version.

PS: ArdGate is running in many installations with nearly all JDBC capable databases, MS SQL included.


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