× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

As many here already know, our CRM product uses QtmmSendMail when it needs to send programmatically-generated email.

We have a customer that is having problems. To quote (censored for privacy):

From an email I read all email from [customer] should be routed and
sent through [customer's parent company's] email servers (probably
due to an audit). I attempted to restart STMP and MSF (with option
*CLEAR) but STMP will not start.

Clearly, the fact that "SMTP will not start" is a key issue, since without QTSMTPxxxx jobs (and I verified that none are running), QtmmSendMail isn't going to do anything.

Now, looking at our own box, I see that the second page prompt screen for CHGSMTPA has a "mail router" (MAILROUTER) parameter (*NONE in our case), but if I've ever had to set that parameter up, I have no recollection of how.

Unfortunately, our account on the customer's box is blocked from even inspecting the values in the CHGSMTPA prompt screen (all we see is nothing but "*SAME").

Can anybody refer me to anything that can help? Documents? Mr. Stone's MAILTOOL?


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