On 04-Nov-2015 09:59 -0600, Jeff Young wrote:
Does anyone have a program that will retrieve the activation group
information for ILE programs in a library?
I am aware of the API that will get that info, but do not have the
time to "roll my own" program.
I am attempting to analyze the programs in specific libraries to
determine if any are still running the the Default Activation Group.
For just the ActGrp name? If so, the APIs are easy to code for
retrieving just that, and the list of objects can be generated easily
from [even a prompted] DSPOBJD request; a simple but crude CLP could
probably be coded relatively quick.
_Retrieve Program Information (QCLRPGMI) API_
_Retrieve Service Program Information (QBNRSPGM) API_
And FWiW, I decided to do effectively that, but using SQL [what I
show, is not recommended; probably better to just code as a CLP, but] By
just running the script included below, all the code could be made
available directly and ready-to-go without doing anything else, such
that just running queries [perhaps preceded by DSPOBJD] can extract and
present the desired information:
The following SQL script does [a very crude; Quick and Dirty] setup
to allow calling the respective API from the SQL [very discouraged, but
exhibits something as possible], and then creates a scalar function
[dependent on the Q&D as well as Q&D itself] to return *just* the ACTGRP
[the "Activation group attribute" from the API docs] according to the
program type. This is all just as easily done in a Q&D CLP doing
effectively the same [crudely ignoring issues and hard-coded
non-template offsets].
drop procedure QCLRPGMI
create procedure QCLRPGMI
( out rcvdta char(1000) for bit data
, in rcvlen int
, in fmtnam char( 8)
, in pgmnam char( 20)
, inout errcde char( 16)
) external name qsys/QCLRPGMI no sql
language pli parameter style general
drop procedure QBNRSPGM
create procedure QBNRSPGM
( out rcvdta char(1000) for bit data
, in rcvlen int
, in fmtnam char( 8)
, in pgmnam char( 20)
, inout errcde char( 16)
) external name qsys/QBNRSPGM no sql
language pli parameter style general
drop function ACTGRP
create function ACTGRP
( inppgm varchar( 20)
, inptyp varchar( 10)
) returns varchar(30)
language sql specific ACTGRP
not deterministic reads sql data
returns null on null input
disallow parallel
set option dbgview=*LIST
declare rcvdta char(1000) for bit data default x'00' ;
declare rcvlen int default 1000 ;
declare fmtpgm char( 8) default 'PGMI0100' ;
declare fmtsrv char( 8) default 'SPGI0100' ;
declare errcde char( 16) default x'0000000000000000' ;
declare pgmofs int default 369 ;
declare srvofs int default 92 ;
declare actgrpofs int ;
declare actgrpatr char( 30) ;
declare pgmnam char( 20) ;
declare continue handler for SQLEXCEPTION
return '*ERROR retrieving info' ;
set pgmnam = inppgm ;
case inptyp
when '*SRVPGM' then
call QBNRSPGM ( rcvdta, rcvlen, fmtsrv, pgmnam, errcde ) ;
set actgrpofs = srvofs ;
when '*PGM' then
call QCLRPGMI ( rcvdta, rcvlen, fmtpgm, pgmnam, errcde ) ;
set actgrpofs = pgmofs ;
-- otherwise actgrpofs is null so returns NULL
end case ;
return rtrim( substr( rcvdta, actgrpofs, 30 ) ) ;
The following query asks to list the *SRVPGM and *PGM objects from
the one library named in the values-row-clause [so 'QSYS2' could be
replaced accordingly], using the OBJECT_STATISTICS UDTF, and orders the
results of just the ILE programs by their ActGrp and Object Type, and
then by object name.
select "PgmName", "ObjType", "ActGrp"
( select LIBNAME concat '/' concat a.objname as "PgmName"
, a.OBJTYPE as "ObjType"
, actgrp( char(a.OBJNAME, 10) concat LIBNAME
, a.OBJTYPE ) as "ActGrp"
/* Replace 'QSYS2' with the desired Library Name: */
from ( values 'QSYS2' ) as c (LIBNAME)
) as n
where n."ActGrp"<>'' /* indicating *PGM apparently is non-ILE */
order by "ActGrp", "ObjType", "PgmName"
In lieu of that Table Function, the output from a Display Object
Description (DSPOBJD) command request could generate the list against
which to process; probably encapsulate the use of the UDF in a VIEW
defined with the table-reference naming the Output File (OUTFILE) from
the DSPOBJD request, and coding the expression for "ActGrp" instead as
ACTGRP(odobnm concat odlbnm, odobtp) And for similar data to the above
/* Replace QSYS2 accordingly */
RUNSQL 'create view qtemp/odpgmsvw as
(select odlbnm, odobnm, odobtp, actgrp
from (select odlbnm, odobnm, odobtp
, actgrp(odobnm concat odlbnm, odobtp) as actgrp
from qtemp/odpgms ) as a where actgrp<>space(1)
)' commit(*none) naming(*sys)
RUNQRY *NONE qtemp/odpgmsvw
/* per no ordering from above, probably instead, in SQL: */
SELECT * from qtemp/odpgmsvw order by actgrp, odobtp, odobnm
By repeating just the first request, the DSPOBJD, with a different
library name, then either the Run Query request or the SELECT query can
present the information for each successive library against which
viewing the results is desired.
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