The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.
On 04-May-2015 17:04 -0500, James H. H. Lampert wrote:
As I said in the "Front panel issues" thread, late Friday, I probably
disturbed the front-panel settings while I was groping in the dark,
trying to initiate a front-panel PWRDWNSYS before the UPS dropped out
(and only partially succeeding, but at least the system came back up
without incident)
Function-01 currently shows:
01 B N V=H
Is that what it SHOULD be? I'm looking at a PDF I downloaded from a
Google search on "ibm i e4a front panel," and "hyperboot" sounds less
than entirely safe. And what is the "P" vs. "T" about?
The hyper boot [¿a /super fast/ boot procedure?] feature may not be
available, ¿except by license?; at least according to the prior reply by
"... V=H is the speed of boot. Hyper requires a license if I'm not
mistaken, unless you need some ultra quick IPL I would set it at S
(slow) so it does all hardware diagnostics (never hurts). P vs T means
Permanent vs Temporal for the FSP code, you usually want it on T so it
boots the lastest firmware."
I would suppose if selected, the H=Hyper Boot choice will operate as
if the next highest available speed [for which a license is not
required], if the necessary licensing is not applied\in-effect.
Roberto's reply also commented on the B and the N. But FWiW:
IIRC the B signifies a B-mode IPL [boot to be the B-side; aka the
T-side in more /standard/ naming; in contrast with A-side for which
P-side is more /standard/ naming equivalent, and in contrast with the
D-side for which an installation Device is required and the necessary
media mounted to start the install on that power-up]. Or as Roberto
wrote, "the LIC code... with the most PTFs".
And IIRC the N signifies a Normal-mode IPL should take place; in
contrast with a Manual-mode IPL for which the IPL is interrupted with a
menu from which selections are presented to include the option to effect
a debug-mode and\or step-mode IPL [at one time I believe the mode
denoting a key position of M=Manual, N=Normal, and ¿L=Locked? to
indicate the IPL was prevented until the key position was changed to one
of the unlocked states]. Or as Roberto wrote, "go all the way to OS"
without stopping such that /manual/ intervention is required.
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