× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

If I was just putting on a couple of PTF's for very short term, like
- load/apply 6.1 PTFs required to upgrade to 7.1
- Upgrade to 7.1
all quickly in succession then I would just apply the suggested PTF's and
any prereq's and coreqs. For example, if you order PTF SI12345 and it
also downloads SI12567 and MF45643 then I would apply those. It would
probably even require you to apply them at the same time.

After you do a SNDPTFORD try WRKPRB
5=Display details
F9=Display PTFs
Those are what's waiting in *SERVICE. They may also be stored in save
files. If you 'just' downloaded them then use *SERVICE.

If you have .bin files then the odds are high that instead of
Delivery format . . . . . . . . *SAVF
you picked
Delivery format . . . . . . . . *IMAGE
If so, you will need to load them via 'image catalogs'.

Really, you need to slow down and step through the upgrade manual or PTF
sections. I know, instructions are for the little people. But if you
don't do this stuff regularly you're going to end up stepping on your
winkie by skipping the instructions.
It should all be in Knowledge Center.

For upgrade:

Using software fixes

Rob Berendt

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