The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.
On 30-Jul-2014 09:03 -0500, Matt Lavinder wrote:
On 7/30/2014 9:40 AM, Luis Rodriguez wrote:
On 30-Jul-2014 08:30 -0500, Matt Lavinder wrote:
<<SNIP>> file shows up on our weekly backup when we do a SAVOBJ,
the file is changed daily and never shows up on our daily backups
when we do a SAVCHGOBJ. <<SNIP>>
Are you journaling the file?
<<SNIP>> I do believe the file is being journaled. Is that the issue?
Seems an odd question, given an earlier followup-reply stating "OK, I
see now. We have changed the OBJJRN parameter to *YES now."
Nonetheless, I offer...
The Save Changed Objects (SAVCHGOBJ) command has a parameter,
Journaled Objects (OBJJRN), that depending on the specification, may
cause journaled objects to be omitted, regardless the object having been
/changed/. Thus "the issue" would seem to be the combination of the
file being journaled and what is specified [explicitly or defaulted] for
the OBJJRN() parameter on the SAVCHGOBJ request.
Many journaled objects that would have been saved with the initial
full-save [vs a changed-save], when restored under recovery, would have
their saved journaled changes applied post-restore [e.g. using Apply
Journaled Changes (APYJRNCHG)], rather than having the latest copy of
all of the data getting saved on each changed-save.
The desirability of _not saving the journaled objects_ with the
save-changed request is most conspicuous when the amount of data in the
object is very large, but the volume of data required to record the
updates to the data is /small/; saving changed data as a multi-GB data
file in each successive save versus saving perhaps just some multi-MB of
data being saved with a Journal Receiver (*JRNRCV), along with the added
requirement for the post-restore application of changes, is often very
worthwhile for the reduction of the amount of both media and time
required for the save activity.
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