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message: 1
date: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 11:28:19 -0500
from: "Jim Oberholtzer"<midrangel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: RE: problems starting mysql qp2term vs qsh

Another thing I notice is it appears as though you are running MySQL in
"safe" mode which is not secure nor is it meant for real production.

You don't mention how you put MySQL on the system, but if it's part of the
Zend Server distribution then I strongly suggest you start it there
manually, and if the subsystem is set up properly you would not need to
start MySQL as a Deamon in QUSRSYS, rather it would run in its own
subsystem. That subsystem has the pre/auto start jobs needed to start

Jim Oberholtzer
Chief Technical Architect
Agile Technology Architects

We installed mysql back in 2008 and I don't remember if it was part of zend core or not. We have some critical image indexes on it and are hesitant to make any changes because we do not understand all the 'plumbing' very well.

We start it with safe because that is how mysql recommends it.


The STRQSH (or QSH) command invokes the OS/400 QShell ... but that does
not run in PASE, and is not the same as the PASE shell.

You need to CALL QP2SHELL or QP2SHELL2 in order to run that command in a
PASE environment.


for a good explanation of the differences.

Hope that helps,

Mark S. Waterbury

I knew there was a difference between them, but I am having trouble understanding the differences.

When I run this command:
'--user=mysql &')

I get this error:

bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock'
Check that mysqld is running and that the socket: '/tmp/mysql.sock' exists!
Press ENTER to end terminal session.

As I see it, I have a big long path that ends with an executable program mysqld_safe. It needs a parameter of '--user=mysql &'

I am just confused that my end program works to end MYSQL but my start program does not in QSH.

This cl program ends mysql:
QSH CMD('cd +
-power-64bit; bin/mysqladmin -u root shutdown')

But this cl program will not start it
QSH CMD('cd +
-power-64bit; bin/mysqld_safe --user=mysql &')

I can't see much difference between these two. change directory to a big long path, then call an executable program, with parameters

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