× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

It has been a very long time since I worked with AJS, but perhaps using a
Holiday Calendar to specify your alternate times might work?
You can attach at least one (maybe more) Holiday Calendar to a job that
already has a normal calendar.

Jeff Young
Sr. Programmer Analyst

On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 3:41 PM, Evans Winner <EWinner@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

From: "Steinmetz, Paul" <PSteinmetz@xxxxxxxxxx>

AJS calendars and scheduling are actually very flexible.

How do you schedule a single job to run Monday through
Friday at 7 pm and on the second Saturday at 1 am? That's a
serious question. As far as I can see, you can only attach
a single set of times of day to a single set of days.

That may seem like a pathological example, but imagine a
retail business that has different closing times depending
on what day of the week or month it is. One either has to
create a duplicate job (which means double the maintenance
and the risk of forgetting something when you need to make a
change) or one has to run it multiple times a day and encode
your own calendar into the logic of the program, which
defeats the purpose of using a scheduler.

This problem has come up with us a lot. We run whole sets
of job groups at different times of day depending both on
the day of the week, and on certain special extra days in
the month. It gets very complicated, and we have resorted
to creating duplicate job definitions.

Come to think of it, maybe our "duplicate" jobs should
actually not be duplicates, but should just call SBMJOBJS or
STRGRPJS. At least then we would only have to maintain one
set of them.

it's quite simple to run a job every 5 minutes

Yes, I know. My point was that having separate jobs defined
to run things at different times would not scale well when
you want to run them that often, that's all.

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