Thanks for the ideas Chuck. Let's see...
cd /g
cat asp_445.csv asp_445_canada.csv
hangs, and after cancelling the session, the job log shows
5722SS1 V5R4M0 060210 Job Log BUSHNELL 02/02/14 19:07:06 Page 1
Job name . . . . . . . . . . : QP0ZSPWP User . . . . . . : PDOW Number . . . . . . . . . . . : 385579
Job description . . . . . . : TEST37 Library . . . . . : PDOW
CPDB050 Diagnostic 30 02/02/14 19:07:06.093112 QZLCKERN QSYS *STMT QZLCKERN QSYS *STMT
From module . . . . . . . . : QZLCVUT
From procedure . . . . . . : QzlcDiagMsg
Statement . . . . . . . . . : 191
To module . . . . . . . . . : QZLCVUT
To procedure . . . . . . . : QzlcDiagMsg
Statement . . . . . . . . . : 191
Message . . . . : Session initialization error with Network Server BPO-DC2.
Cause . . . . . : The Network Server file system (QNTC) detected an error
attempting to initialize a session with Network Server BPO-DC2. Recovery .
. . : Ensure the QSERVER subsystem is started and operational. If the
Server is loaded on an Integrated xSeries Server for iSeries, ensure that
the NWSD is varied on and the server is active. If the Server is a remote
system, ensure that the system is active and the Server program has been
started. If the Server is an OS/400 NetServer, ensure that the server has
been started. Technical description . . . . . . . . : An error code 3447
was received while trying to initialize a session to the Network Server
BPO-DC2. To determine the meaning of the error number, do one of the
following: If the error code is 4 digits, then - Use DSPMSGD CPExxxx, where
xxxx is the error number, to display an error message containing more
information about this error number. - Display one of the following files
that contain descriptions of error numbers: QSYSINC/SYS, member ERRNO and
QCLE/H member ERRNO. If the error code is 3 digits, then the possible
NetBEUI error codes are: 101 -- Name conflict. 102 -- Duplicate name. 103 --
Command canceled. 104 -- Session ended abnormally. 105 -- Failure. 106 --
Not valid session number. 107 -- Session closed. 108 -- Network error. 109
-- Session open rejected. 110 -- Name not found. 111 -- Request timed out.
112 -- Request aborted. 114 -- Not valid IP Address. 115 -- Session request
issued. 116 -- Session request good. 117 -- Session request rejected. 119 --
Data Pending.
I'd done the DSPMSGD CPE3447 ("A remote host did not respond within the timeout period.") which I mentioned in the original post (although I didn't say where I got it from).
I tried
cd /home/pdow [local folder]
cat thekey.txt thekey2.txt > /g/thekey.txt
and it immediately created /g/thekey.txt with the contents of the 2 files. So I guess writing to a /QNTC folder is not a problem.
I started "cat asp_445.csv asp_445_canada.csv" again and let it run, and after about 5-10 minutes, it started spitting out the contents of the 2 files.
So reading the files from /g just takes a lllooooonnnnng time?
I actually remember those environment variables, and how they make a dramatic improvement when doing "WRKLNK '/QNTC'", but one of the old workarounds for that issue, prior to the environment variables, was creating a symbolic link pointing to the particular server you want (if you know what it is), which is what the /g does for me.
*Peter Dow*/
Dow Software Services, Inc.
909 793-9050
petercdow@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:petercdow@xxxxxxxxx>
pdow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:pdow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
On 2/1/2014 4:28 PM, CRPence wrote:
So how about using cat to stdout instead of writing to /g [in /QNTC];
i.e. drop the redirect. Does that function well, or result in the same
error? If that also fails the same, perhaps try cat a couple local file
with redirect to /g to implicate the write instead of the read as origin
for the encountered difficulty.
Not sure where the msg CPDB050 is logged [apparently the interactive
joblog invoking the QSHell facility vs one of the /batch/ jobs that
implements the work], but are the full message details [F6=Print or
spooled joblog] available... to clarity if perhaps the errno 3447
ETIMEDOUT condition is specific to the readdir or something else.?
I did not find any APARs with msgCPDB050 rc3447 nor various kwd
combinations with either errno3447 ETIMEDOUT
I guess I would not be surprised to find that directory related
processing functions differently than the actual I/O; i.e. such that
WRKLNK could navigate fine, but the actual file I/O might fail. An
EBUSY condition or similar, might be relevant to one but not another, so
the methods are sufficiently different they might encounter an impasse
distinct from one another.?
Note: I recall one or two environment variables related to how /QNTC
server connections are cached\tracked. Probably best to look into what
if any exist and settings... and try to find any documented that might
change the effects. I did run across a reference to QZLC_SERVERLIST
with a value of "1" or "2", and that was referenced in the following
link, but I did not research further:
With that a quick look in InfoCenter also found QIBM_ZLC_NO_BROWSE:
_QNTC environment variables_
"The network browsing behavior of QNTC can be controlled by two
environment variables. Support for these environment variables began in
i5/OS® V5R4. Use the ADDENVVAR CL command to create these environment
Regards, Chuck
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