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On 18 Apr 2013 13:02, rob@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
<<SNIP>> So what DOES do the STRTCP, since that's not in the QSTRUP
program? Some obscure autostart job entry on some other subsystem?

Because QTCPIP runs in QSYSWRK [presumably still, on v7r1], I would look at that subsystem which is started automatically as the side effect of starting *any* subsystem; i.e. even if the *SBSD started is not the controlling subsystem (QCTLSBSD).

Also, the history log message about TCP/IP starting may reveal the information about how the job started; as well or instead, the active or spooled joblog for the QTCPIP job, which I believe is the name of the primary job for TCP/IP services on which the various servers depend.

In the following thread I said prestart job entries, though likely I meant autostart... as in your reply to my message:

AFaIK the STRTCP has not been in the /shipped/ version of the QSTRUP since or perhaps even before, V5R3. FWiW, at that release, the Job name QSYSWRKJOB is autostarted with the *JOBD named QSYSWRK into QSYSWRK subsystem, but nothing else obviously named to imply anything TCP/IP related.

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