× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

On 15 Mar 2013 02:01, Andrew.Smith@xxxxxxxxx wrote:

Some of our testers are leaving objects checked out, either when
a function crashes before the objects get checked back in

Depending on what "when a function crashes before..." means, perhaps [some of] the code should be modified\corrected to ensure that there are appropriate termination handlers in effect since CHKOUT is in effect until such time that the CHKIN is performed.

or they are manually checking it out and not checking it back in.

The TAA tools apparently has a tool that uses the Qp0lGetAttr API to present that information in some form... CVTIFS; I did not look very close, other than it uses the API which retrieves that information:

This then affects our Daily, Weekly, Monthly & yearly backups.

How so? AFaIK there should be no impact to save due to the "checked out by" status as presented by 8=Display Attributes.

I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to quickly list all the
checked out objects on the system so we can perform some checks
and sort these objects out before the backups kick in?

Perhaps the aforementioned tooling. I seem to recall IBM having something colled IFSTOOLS which may provide something [¿QRYIFSLIB?] also.? I am not sure if the RTVDIRINF output file(s) [and PRTDIRINF] include the checkout status and the "checked out by whom" *USRPRF name, as I never used them after early experiences; certainly not quick back then.

The API:
_i Qp0lGetAttr()--Get Attributes i_
Qp0lGetattr() also returns one of these constants in the Attribute identification field, pointed to by the Buffer_ptr parameter. The constant must be used to identify the returned attribute because the attributes are returned in any order. Note that the Size of attribute data field, pointed to by the Buffer_ptr parameter, contains the total size of data that Qp0lGetattr() returns for the constants in this array. Valid values, and sizes of the returned attributes, follow:
QP0L_ATTR_CHECKED_OUT: Whether an object is checked out or not. When an object is checked out, other users can read and copy the object. Only the user who has the object checked out can change the object. The checkout format is defined in the Qp0lstdi.h header file as data type Qp0l_Checkout_t, and is described in the following table.

Checkout Format:
Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 CHAR(1) Flag indicating whether an object is checked out
1 1 CHAR(10) User to whom checked out
11 B CHAR(1) Reserved
12 C BINARY(4) Time checked out

Flag. An indicator as to whether an object is checked out. Valid values are:
x'00' QP0L_NOT_CHECKED_OUT: The object is not checked out.
x'01' QP0L_CHECKED_OUT: The object is checked out.

Reserved. A reserved field. This field must be set to binary zero.

Time checked out. The time the object was checked out. This field represents the number of seconds since the Epoch.

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