Make a temp copy of the file with a .TIF extension and launch it with STRPCCMD.
That's essentially what we have customers do with our iSeries Office Integrator product when they want to launch files with non-standard extensions.
Copy file and then use the OFCRUNPC command to launch it.
We have taken it a step further where the iSeries job can optionally stay locked up until the file is closed and then the temp file gets auto-cleaned up.
Richard Schoen
RJS Software Systems Inc.
Where Information Meets Innovation
Document Management, Workflow, Report Delivery, Forms and Business Intelligence
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message: 4
date: Tue, 26 Feb 2013 08:33:44 -0800 (PST)
from: J Franz <franz400@xxxxxxx>
subject: view ifs image and specify viewer with strpccmd
I have in the past used STRPCCMD to view an image stored in?the IFS
from a iSeries Access 5250 session, by using a http:// url and let the browser
select the viewer based in doc suffix (like .pdf).
However we have an issue where the doc name is "non-standard" like
B01291AA.BID? (this is IBM Content Manager stuff)
and need to tell the browser what viewer to use (it's tif or pdf)
and need to view on pc with no Content Manager client.
It is not an option to rename the image file.
Is this possible? Most likely tif and want to use
Win native fax viewer in STRPCCMD command.
pdf's would use Adobe Reader.
Jim Franz?
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