First I'll say we are diverging into the wdsc list territory
I think Chuck answered accurately for most admins and managers that direct access to introduce changes to production environments would not be welcome.
User actions in RDP can be defined to do almost whatever you want within your authority, certainly you could call programs that adopt authority so what you desire is possible now without even developing a plugin.
For working with one or more specific source members within RTC 4 the sparse loading is really slick once the infrastructure has been built.
But do you want change management in RDP or source management?
They are 2 different things, SVN only provides source management, similar to RTC, but RTC provides a much richer team communication environment.
There is package management in RTC 4, via the build process, and RTC 4 has enhanced the dependency build to the point that it is useful for file changes.
Change management is built on top of source management, providing a state full process of testing before deployment to production.
From my experience in CM this is rarely desired by developers but often required by other stakeholders.
There is rarely such thing as a quick field change on the i and most CM packages will help the developer build a complete set of impacted objects to deploy to test and then to production with minimal downtown.
In my experience if you give a developer a quick path to make a program change in production the next thing you know they are making a quick field change in production along with 99% of the programs impacted and the call about the 1% they missed comes at 2AM.
Speaking from experience of 15 years in CM and being woken up at 2AM...
As always if you want full intelligent management of dependencies during deployment of changes down to the ILE procedure level from RDP/RTC the then <vendor> the Arcad Rational Power Pack is the best solution </vendor>
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