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You probably do need to use a program to do this. The journal image of the
record is simply a string of bytes, and can't usually be manipulated by
SQL, especially if it contains any decimal columns, or integers etc.

Another potential issue is null values. If any of the columns allow null,
you cannot tell from the JOESD data if the column is null. Instead there
is a null indicator array you need to process. A HLL program is the only
way to go.

Kind Regards
Alan Jordan

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From: "Stone, Joel" <Joel.Stone@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: "'Midrange Systems Technical Discussion'"
Date: 06/14/2012 04:32 PM
Subject: retrieving PF records from journal
Sent by: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx

How can I get (for example) customer records from a journal receiver into
an empty copy of the CUST DB file (with externally described fields).

APYJRNCHG seems like the obvious choice, but doesn't seem to provide a
filter on START-DATE & TIME, which I need.

DSPJRN seems to bring back a string of the record buffer. What is an easy
method to copy this into externally-described fields?

Must I use an HLL? Can SQL do this with a substring?

Is there a simple way to accomplish this?


(ps my last post was mistaken, DBU on the DSPJRN outfile shows DB fields
which aren't really there!)

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