I know I know! i did an IPL of the IOP that controlled both the MAG
TAPE IOA and the... ETHERNET IOA! i got some serious cussing out of
the people upstairs for that... Know when i build a system i try to
keep that IOA on it's own IOP...
I don't know if this will help, but everyone focuses on the IOP when there
are multiple items hooked up to the same one. Within SST you can also use
Concurrent Maintenance to reset just one of IOAs without having to bring
the IOP down. This has saved us when our tape library has an issue, as it
is on the same IOP as some of our disk drives.
Under Hardware Service Manager you can go through Logical hardware
resources. Find the resource and select "Resources associated with IOP"
(option 9 on my version). Find the IOA you're interested in and choose
"Associated packaging resource(s) (Option 8 on our system). From there
you should have an option for Concurrent Maintenance. This allows you to
work with the "power domain" of the resource and power it off and on.
Don't ask me what a 'power domain' is, as IBM walked me through this. But
it did enable us to reset an IOA attached to the tape library without
bringing down the other IOAs that were on the same IOP.
Andrew Lopez
Systems Analyst
Phone: 803-714-2037
Email: ALopez@xxxxxxxxxx
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