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We create a programming library for this purpose which holds the "generic"
files to allow the program to compile. For ancient reasons we call it
Q2Q. We would create file "sales" in Q2Q. To compile the program we would
add Q2Q to the library list to compile it. When running the program use
ovrdbf to use whatever file you want.



message: 1
date: Thu, 5 Apr 2012 15:30:04 -0400
from: rob@xxxxxxxxx
subject: Re: Question on updating some OLD programs

Many people would have to either compile interactively, after manually
typing in a few OVRDBF commands, or, write a 'make' program that compiles
it after setting up the appropriate OVRDBF commands.

As long as your are modernizing you may want to consider abandoning the
cl, if all it does is OVRDBF. I am not saying the presence of CL is bad
but CL just for OVRDBF sake might be. It's not hard to add "user control"
to your Fspec and use QCMDEXC, system, QCAPCMD or your favorite to do the
OVRDBF in the RPG program itself. Then OPEN the file. Doesn't alleviate
your compile concerns but helps on the execution side.

The alternative, and I am also not saying it's 'best practices', I am
simply saying it's an alternative, would be to eschew RPG file operations
and use imbedded sql instead.

Rob Berendt
Group Dekko
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