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The %scan BIF lets you specify a hex valus = like this -

%scan(x'15' : hexvalue)


On 9/22/2011 10:24 AM, John McKee wrote:
Is there a way to scan a text field in a file for an embedded character less than an EBCDIC blank? We retrieve text from vendors and post this to accounts. I am going to modify the code to convert incoming characters less than a space to a space. But, that doesn't address the potential of other embedded characters already in the file. I can see how to write an RPG program that would check each character, but wondered if SQL could be used - just to see if any others are present. After more than three years of doing this, we got hit with TWO x'15' embedded characters. I did not realize that characters less than x'40' were not allowed. Receiving CPF5192 has taught be otherwise. I just was looking for a (relatively) quick way to determine if other invalid characters have been written to the file and those accounts just have not been displayed yet.

I thought about using query, but I am not looking for a specific character - just one less than x'40 if it exists at all.

John McKee

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