I tried the options that Charles has recommended and some variations. All
return the same error message.
Update EMS40DATA.INWHS01P a set (a.IWADD1, a.IWADD2, a.IWADD3, a.IWALWS,
a.IWADD4, a.IWDESC) = (Select coalesce(b.LADD1,c.IWADD1),
coalesce(b.LADD2, c.iwadd2), coalesce(b.LADD3, c.iwadd3),
coalesce(b.LALWH,c.iwalws), coalesce(b.LCOUN,c.iwadd4),
coalesce(b.LDESC,c.iwdesc) from ems40data.inwhs01p c left outer join
a4gjnlf.aa0000209 b on a.iwwhs = b.lwhs Where a.iwwhs = b.lwhs)
SQL State: 21000
Vendor Code: -811
Message: [SQL0811] Result of SELECT more than one row. Cause . . . . . :
The result table of a SELECT INTO statement, a subquery, or a subselect of a
SET statement contains more than one row. The error type is 2. If the error
type is 1 then a SELECT INTO statement attempted to return more than one
row. If the error type is 2 then a subselect of a basic predicate has
produced more than one row. Only one row is allowed. Recovery . . . :
Change the selection so that only one result row is returned and then try
the request again. The DECLARE CURSOR, OPEN, and FETCH statements must be
used to process more than one result row. For a subquery the IN, EXISTS,
ANY or ALL predicates can be used to process more than one result row. If
one row was expected, there may be data errors, such as duplicate rows, that
are causing more than one row to be returned.
Darryl Freinkel
Assignment 400 Group, Inc.
Tel: 770.321.8562 ext 111 | Fax 770.321.8562 | 2247 La Salle Dr, Marietta
GA, 30062, USA | PO Box 72556, Marietta, GA 30007-2556
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