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Hope I'm not overly contrarian here, but I don't see WDSC, etc., being the be-all-and-end-all. They do help in free-form RPG for the initial entry, giving you auto-indent to a degree. But it has at least 2 strong lacks -

1. If you add a blank line, the indentation goes away - you are put back to the beginning of the line, as set for starting position, IIRC.
2. If you copy/paste, indentation is not adjusted.

These are both done very nicely in the Visual Studio editor for VB - always has - even since I started using VB around 1995. The behavior of the really nice editors that Microsoft produces is quite a lot better in this area, and others, than LPEX. I long for a drag-drop in LPEX - let me select something, then left-drag it - or right-drag it and be able to select whether to copy or move.

So the developer doesn't really get all the help he/she needs to accomplish "pretty print" code. That styling can be done in any editor - vi, edlin, seu, notepad, whatever. And as Scott says, copy/paste is easily accomplished in SEU within the PC5250 emulator - and I don't mean C and A in the sequence number column.

Charles Wilt wrote:

Interesting comment.

Question, which one do you use? Given the nicely styled ILE RPG code
in HTTPAPI, FTPAPI, ect.. I'd think it would have been painful to
write either of those using SEU.


On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 5:24 PM, Scott Klement
<midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Technically, PDM and SEU are not the same thing. But, PDM calls SEU
when it needs to edit code.

They both come together as part of a package named ADTS. (Application
Development Tool Set) along with a few other things.

Personally, I think the advantages of WDSC/RDi/RDP over PDM/SEU are
being constantly overstated in these forums. There are certainly some
things that RDi does better, like copy/paste, outline view, syntax

But these things aren't the ultra-awesome, revolutionary things that
folks in these forums make them out to be. Yes, copy/paste is better in
RDi, but I could still do it in SEU, and I could do it pretty well.
Yes, outline view is useful, but searching out what I'm looking for also
works. Yes, syntax highlighting/coloring can be nice, but I can read my
code okay when it's all one color.

Personally, I think the user interface seen by the USER is far more
important than the interface seen by the DEVELOPER.

On 3/12/2010 7:18 AM, Bryce Martin wrote:
I think there has been some criss cross of terms going on here.

PDM is not SEU, SEU is a part of PDM.... correct? I didn't not grow up
with this system so please forgive me. When I talk about advantages of
WDSC it is for development purposes over the use of SEU. I do not know
what all PDM uses, but I often do system stuff from the command line
instead of IBM's snail pased windows alternatives (might be a slight
exageration, but I believe only slight). Developing in WDSC/RD(insert
letter) is significantly faster than SEU and you can recoup the learning
curve with productivity gains in a month if you are in code all day
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