× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Of course the idea that there are any "large objects" to be located is inherently flawed. Unless the objects responsible for the growth are already known, there is no way to know if the increase in storage was by many small objects or even possibly by small increments to existing objects of any size.

If the storage increase is to "permanent storage" versus "temporary storage", the quickest method to track percentage differences is by user profile; even without knowing which old or new objects might have grown, this possibly enables determination of which user(s) to "chase". A [baseline] snapshot of the current storage taken by each *USRPRF can be obtained using DSPUSRPRF TYPE(*BASIC) OUTPUT(*OUTFILE), and then later [e.g. after a change in permanent storage space is noted], obtain another Display User Profile output file that is then used compare the difference in the UPMXSU "max storage used" field from the baseline snapshot to the current snapshot.

Regards, Chuck

sneha verma wrote:

I am on V5R4.I have seen a substantial increase in the DASD
since last 4 days, almost 4%.

There are no Object Management tools installed (eg OS Director)
thru which I can actually find about the big files/libs created
in the last 4 days and chase the user.

Is there a way on AS400 (thru AS400 commands) thru which I can
find about the big files and objects created in the last 4 days.

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