The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.
The [control] information stored in the member is unique to the
spool file that was generated. How much data any one requires is
not fixed, it is variable. The [indexed] system control block of
all spooled data wants to store only enough to locate the spool
data\details location; i.e. only the pointer to the member. Without
the member as storage for the splf-unique data, either the control
block would have to be bloated with that additional variable length
data [thus no longer slim memory of only the keyed data & pointers
to members\data], or that splf-unique data would have to be located
in another place; i.e. place other than as an effective /part of/
the spool container, which is the member object which the pointer
That is what I alluded, makes the current *MEM implementation
convenient; i.e. to store the splf-unique data as /part of/ the
container, but not as part of the data itself. The *STMF has some
attributes and text fields to describe the /stream file/ object, but
that is very limited in what it provides; in part, to reduce its
overhead [memory footprint]. To keep the pointer as locater to a
*STMF instead of a database *MEM, the splf-unique details would
really best become part of the data, or the *STMF would be generally
less efficient [for non-spooling] for having to become even more
like the DBM. Perhaps the database member always should have been
similarly slimmed, but the DBM gives higher function for more
versatility in what it can accomplish; e.g. the compilers, binder,
various spooling, system-only access, & the RLA DB I/O to program
interface all are highly dependent on, and more functional for, the
additional data the member contains for them.
That there are multiple files and multiple members would likely
go unchanged from a STMF perspective; i.e. multiple STMF in multiple
directories would likely be similar. Just as having very many
members as containers under one file [current scheme is 2K IIRC],
there are often similar reasons under directories to impose limits.
And in any case the same concept of the object-based system saving
addresses and limiting object creation by only truncating the data
portion of an object, would persist; i.e. object deletion and
creation\instantiation is inherently more expensive than truncate
and re-use.
FWiW spool data as stream data is effectively limited to binary
access. Because "delimiters" as part of the stream may be part of
the spool data, so "delimited records" are not generally feasible,
such that data must be read in chunks of storage versus as records.
What explicit advantage would there be to read those records as a
binary stream versus contiguous rows as a virtual stream, except to
[as in the perspective] a language which might be better suited for
one access method versus another? I am not aware of any limitation
of storing data encrypted or compressed in the dataspace of a member
versus the dataspace of a *STMF, nor recall many specific anecdotes
of problems which would suggest the choice of the *FILE+*MEM+*QDDS
is generally recognized as being inferior to an alternative of the
*STMF+*MEM+*QDDS. One issue I am familiar with is [mis]use of *ALL
libraries in requests versus *ALLUSR, where the database is poorly
designed for its insistence on *SHRNUP lock on the *FILE to prevent
new members from being added to an existing spool database file
while a member list is being generated, but the spooling simply
moves on to [or even creates] another file as recovery from that
Regards, Chuck
Alan Campin wrote:
I won't suggest that you store the control block information in
the stream file, just the data. All the control block information
would stay in the a standard table or at least that I how I would
do it. My point is that spool data is inherently stream in
nature. Why not store it in a stream file instead of the
crazyness of creating new files and multiple members and data
between members and data between files, etc, etc. It would seem
that would solve conflict issues that exist currently. You could
also store it compressed and even encrypted if you wanted. I am
referring to problems discussed in previous post to the forum.
Since all spool I/O is through a file interface won't you be
making changes in one place? There may be issues I don't know
On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 4:24 PM, CRPence <CRPbottle@xxxxxxxxx>
Alan Campin wrote:
Bummer. I wonder why IBM holds on to that system when they
have the IFS with all of the problems they have with QSPL?
On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 1:12 PM, Pete Massiello
NO, they still use QSPL libraries
Not sure what problems alluded.... And is that question asking
why not use stream files instead of database file in QSPL
because all of the problems with QSPL, or why not use stream
files because those are equivalently problematic as QSPL ;-)
Unless a problem was specific to the implementation object,
changing what object [type] is used would probably be moot in
most cases.? What problem(s) would justify a rewrite from
using database to stream I/O? If the common data management
allowed a transparent redirect, then perhaps not a huge deal
[i.e. effectively no change, but an override to STMF], but
otherwise difficult to justify.
FWiW One reason database members had been used is because the
spooling also supports job /spooling/ from fixed record length
with support for *SRC & *DATA inline //DATA which of course are
the two types of database physical file members. That part
would probably remain unchanged even if the implementation
object changed. IIRC there was also for some time an issue
whereby stream file limits were too small to hold the largest
spool files in one object; the original spool control block was
designed to have one spool file entry to point to the
description and data of each, with just the one pointer.
The database member implementation object also enables storing
control information beyond just the /object/ information [e.g.
owner, text, expiration, et al]. If stored in stream files,
then all accesses would have to be binary anyhow, so those
details could be stored before or after the actual spool data
into the same space; the maximum amount of spool data in a file
would be limited by the control information, but now that
stream files can be so large, hardly a concern anymore. But if
the control information were just stored in the data [instead
of in the object], why not just rewrite the OS to work like a
PC ;-)
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