× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Carl Galgano wrote:
I am moving a customer from a 5.1 to a 5.4 box. They have about
40 stored proc and I'd like a way to move them easily. I see
they are stored in SYSROUTINES but I can figure out how to move
them either using AS400 commands or SQL. Any suggestions. Seems
like this should be very simple.

External or SQL? If External then were the procedures created after the programs named in the CREATE, or after; verify by PRTSQLINF to see if the routine information exists. If there is no SQL information then either recreate the procedures to make it so [only possible on programs of specific languages; those which have SQL pre-compiler support I believe]. If any routines still remain as both external and without SQL information [e.g. if language does not support SQL], then either rerun the creation script [SQL statement CREATE PROCEDURE] on\at the target system, or: upgrade to v5r2, perform a manual scratch install of the v5r4 system with [v5r4m5] only the LIC, then restore QSYS2 [and probably wanting to do so for QUSRSYS & QGPL as well], then finally install the OS and LPPs. For any SQL or external routines which have their SQL information, simply restoring [CL command: RSTLIB or RSTOBJ] the objects will have them registered automatically to the catalogs.

Regards, Chuck

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